The Bachelor’s Degree Program in Medical Laboratory Science (BMLSc) has been designed with the aim of qualifying and training students on performing the most recent laboratory tests. The program also helps students gain insight on the methods and means used to collect, transfer, store and prepare samples properly under the highest standards of efficiency.
The program’s duration is five years. During the first year, a student studies English, the basic courses and the preparatory syllabus of the program. The following three years are designated to study the specialty syllabus requirements of the Program to acquire the scientific knowledge, specialty skills, ethical and professional values. The fifth year is the supervised practice year (Internship Year) in which students are trained in a hospital under the supervision of competent professionals and in accordance with the applicable training plan of the Internship Year.

Skills Acquired Through the Program

  • Perform all the required medical tests starting from sample receipt through approval and finally printing the laboratory report.
  • Take the necessary measures to develop and update laboratory work in order to keep abreast of scientific developments. This is achieved through participating in training courses and continuing education programs.
  • Participate and implement quality inspection and quality control programs at the laboratory.
  • Supervise the existing occupational safety programs at the laboratory; participate in the work of the Infection Control Committees at the hospital; implement all laboratory procedures in this respect.
  • Practical planning using information sources to achieve the organizational goals of health institutions and improve overall performance.

Clinical Training

Male and female student training is considered an essential pillar for Al-Ghad International College for Applied Medical Sciences’ standards in the achievement and completion of the educational, training and academic process. Training ensures to qualify our male and female students to reach the right employment opportunity, as well as helps in linking them to the labor market. Training is performed under the supervision of specialists in this field. Moreover, partnership agreements are concluded with hospitals and health centers.
Accordingly, a specialized unit has been established in each College for the purpose of supervising the students’ training. The unit seeks to provide appropriate training opportunities that are in alignment with academic and clinical standards. Training is provided throughout the period of study and during the internship year. Distinguished and well-reputed hospitals and medical centers have been selected for training male and female students.

Bachelor’s Degree in Medical Laboratory Science is available in the following campuses


Female Students Section
Al-Madinah Al-Munawwarah
Male Students Section
Al-Madinah Al-Munawwarah